Bulbous Nose Deformity


The word bulbous itself clarifies that nose tip is more prominent, bigger than normal, not suiting to the rest of the nose or face.

This is one of the most common complaints we hear from clients seeking nose job/ Rhinoplasty.

  • What is the cause of this excessively prominent nose tip?
  • How do we tackle this shape abnormality?
  • Is it really possible to make the nose tip so thin and narrow?
  • Are there any limitations and adverse effects of performing it?
  • When do we perceive results after nose tip correction surgery?
  • How painful it is, how long will it take, what is the down time after the surgery
  • Is there any nonsurgical option for nose tip narrowing?

I am going to answer and explain regarding above questions

Nose tip has 3 important components: skin, fat and cartilage in layers from surface to the deep.

It is logical to say excess of the any of the above components in any dimension will produce more prominence. That means excess skin thickness, excess fat under the skin and excess cartilage may be the basic cause. All three components may not be the problem in all given individuals. It maybe the isolated excess of single component: for example too thick skin, surplus fat and wide cartilage.

We de-glove the skin, remove the fat underneath, thin the skin and trim the excess cartilage and reorient them in to proper position; simply these technical steps executed carefully will narrow your bulbous nose tip.

Yes, it is possible to make nose tip narrow to significant extent, among the above mentioned three components fat under the skin and cartilage correction is possible only limiting factor is thinning the skin in very thick skinned individuals. Have sensible expectations, it is almost impossible to achieve sharp tips of Caucasian (white skinned) from Indian ethnic origin noses.

There are no adverse effects on the functions as well as the structure of the nose tip as long as surgeon executing all the technical steps vigilantly but occasionally patients skin factors and others may also create a problem.

You will perceive satisfactory results after 3-4weeks but it will continue to improve till 3,4,6 months. So patiently wait and watch for the results. It’s actually good you don’t have sudden surprises and it’s easy to adapt for a change slowly.

Its 1-2hrs procedure, need not stay overnight in the clinic, performed in painless anesthesia, minimal discomfort after the surgery, and could be easily managed with tablets for 5 days. Actually there is no downtime but practically there is going to be dressing cover 5-6 days.

  • Dr. Venkata Ramana

    Dr. Venkata Ramana, MS, DNB, M.Ch, is a board certified Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon of great repute in Hyderabad. Over the past 15 years of innumerable nasal transformations, Dr. Ramana has created his niche in the field of Rhinoplasty Surgery in Hyderabad, where his gold medal winning background in ENT goes a long way in ensuring that the problem is dealt with in the best possible light. His attention to detail in the realm of deformities such as low nasal bridge, hump nose deformity, wide nasal pyramid, bulky nose tip, wide nostrils and crooked or deviated nasal structure amongst others has earned him the trust of patients and ensured phenomenal end results. Dr. Ramana holds the unique distinction of aesthetic as well as functional prowess of rhinoplasty surgery. To book an appointment, call +918790049911 or email: contact@nosecontour.com

    MS, DNB, M.Ch
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